Hey there, I’m Mark Johnson, and I blog about personal finance. I relocated from the UK to the US to maximize my income, and worked at Microsoft as a Senior Product Manager. I invested my savings to self fund a career break, and you can do the same too.

I’m passionate about personal finance, reading many books and following the advice for finance bloggers like Mr Money Mustache and The Mad Fientist to maximize my net worth.
But you don’t need to be passionate about personal finance to significantly improve your life. I’ve distilled the lessons I used for myself and taught friends and coworkers into this site, to make it easy for you to build the life that you want for yourself by improving your financial situation.
My Financial Independence Checklist is the best place to get started on your journey from financial insecurity to financial independence, and the posts on this site will help you reflect on why you want to reach financial independence for yourself.
If you have any questions, please get in touch: mark@financewithmark.com
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